Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 25 - And then there were 10....

No HCG, TOM (Time of Month...sorry to any Toms out there!)
Day 23 VLCD
190.0 lbs
-19 lbs

At first I was disappointed when I weighed. I lost .6lbs which is cool, but only .1 lbs more and I would have been in the 80's!!! I haven't been there for three years and I wasn't there long. But then I realized that I was only 10 lbs away from by goal and I like even numbers! My goal was to loose 30 lbs this session and only having 10 lbs to go makes me realized just how far I've come. I also realized today that since I can't take my shots for a couple of days, which gives me a couple of days more on the diet! I'm sure I'll reach my goal of 180lbs now!

My day went great, although I did have to make spaghetti for our guests coming over. I made the sauce and noodles from scratch so I HAD to taste it to make sure it was ok. For lunch I had chicken with Italian herbs covered by the last of the marinara sauce I made. I need to make more. I need to make more crab bisque and tomato basil soup too! I had my oj and melba toasts with our guests for dinner. I "exercised" by pulling vines out of my fence row and some sticker bushes. I got covered in stickers. I need to find my clippers though to get some really tough ones. I also wrote another song. So pretty productive day. So far I can't tell the difference having not had my shot today. I did get a little nauseated in the afternoon though.

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