Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day Seven - This Sucks!

Day 7 HCG
Day 5 VLCD
201.2 lbs.
-7.8 lbs.

Man! Only .2 lbs lost today. That really sucks because I really wanted to cheat yesterday and I didn't. I know it's supposed to loose stair step but come on! Well, I'm just going to redouble my efforts today and ONLY eat when I'm hungry, cravings or not.

We went as a family to the movies for Valentines. I knew the kids and Jon would get candy, so I was proactive. I made Apple Chips! They were soooooooooooo good! I'm going to make up a huge batch to snack on when I get sugar cravings. I'll post the recipe when I perfect it. I made it through the movies unphased.

I didn't get hungry until around 4. It is really odd to skip two meals and not feel even a little light headed. I had some Herb Encrusted Talapia and zucchini sauteed in apple cider vinegar and Natures seasoning. It was the perfect combination. I didn't have to put any lemon juice on the fish.

Our friend Anne came over and brought chocolates for Valentines. I made the kids eat them all immediately so I made it trough the evening with nothing but water and a grissini. I'm still not hungry and I think the cravings are getting better. I made one of my favorite meals for the family tonight. I wanted to eat it, but I didn't!

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